Sunday, November 2, 2008

A Little Late...

(Eight months go by...)

The Happy Day was April 2nd, not April 11th as we had planned. A. and L.J. weren't doing well, and the doctor made the decision to do an emergency C-section after a very anxious night in the hospital.

A. had the hardest time I can imagine. Her anesthesia failed as they wheeled her out of the OR. She went into recovery at shift change, so there was some confusion as to who was to care for her, resulting in a patient - an employee of the hospital - who was all but abandoned in the recovery room. When I came back from the nursery, I found her screaming, with only a nursing student in the room.

We spent the next six days in a postpartum room. On Friday night, A's temperature shot above 105. Our OB doctor was volunteering in Atlanta, and the only other doctor available was doing back-to-back C-sections.

She made it, He made it, and now, on the Seven-month anniversary of his birth, I give you LJ. It was all worth it.

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